Customers Insights

Rouse (accountants) - Estates - 09/11/2009 "JASON YOU ARE SO EFFICIENT!!! (There was a tight deadline on year end accounts and the accountant needed extra data to close the books - but the property manager had left and the new one was still getting their bearings. So Jason sent them the a copy of the lease and insurance documents, even though it wasn't his site. It was much appreciated with the client)."

Mr W - Estates - 05/11/2009 "I read up on it last night on the Ringley website last night, good site! (License to assign information on our website.) "

Mr & Ms K - Estates - 22/10/2009 "Crown Wharf has improved to a satisfactory state and is being well managed by yourselves."

Ms B - Estates - 22/10/2009 "Many thanks for your prompt and efficient handling of these matters - very much appreciated indeed."

Mr B - Estates - 18/10/2009 "I found your webpage detailing s20 major works consultation process very helpful and would like to thank you for making this information available in the public domain."

Ms M - Estates - 12/10/2009 "At the Management Committee Meeting of Nash House last week, the subject of tenants came up. There was nothing but praise for one of the tenants and the successful vetting done, and I thought I would like to pass this on to you. So, Well Done!"

Ms G - Estates - 27/09/2009 "Many thanks for your e-mail and for faxing the insurance policy accross to the mortgage company, hopefully now it is reoslved. Thanks again for your assistance, you have been really helpful."

Mr P - Estates - 26/09/2009 "I thought I would send you a note to say thanks for a change! The new assistant to Mayo is a great addition. He always gets up and says hello and he seems to have had lessons from Mayo on how to be eternally smiling! Even the new security guys seem to want to interact with residents. (HR Management of porterage staff at Omega Works.) "

Ms N - Estates - 14/09/2009 "Over 11K obtained via debtchase! Wow! (In a mansion block over £11,000 service charge and major works money was collected following debtchase procedure including obtaining a court judgement enabling a Section 146 forfeiture notice to be served and after significant negotiations the lender being forced to pay to protect their security.)"

Mr P - Estates - 26/08/2009 "Even though I am a solicitor myself, when I found out about Ringley I wanted to use them for the whole lease extension process because they made my life a whole lot easier in dealing with initial surveys to establish value, negotiation and even registration of the relevant documents. They were really thorough and offered a comprehensive service that made the whole process easy to understand and took away any stress. I would definitely use them again and would recommend them to anyone else. "

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