Small Building Works

Small building works

"The role of our expert surveyors is to line up what you need, to make your project real and help you make informed decisions"

No matter how large or small a building project may involve a planning application, a building regulations submission, drains surveys, soil tests for foundations, party wall notices, applications to cut back or remove a tree protected by a tree preservation orders, access to neighbouring land and an array of other factors. Our role is to get you the permissions you need and put the pieces of the puzzle togerher to get the jon on site then to administer the contract afterwards.

Void unit refurbishment

Maintenance, refurbishments and renovations are essential parts of life cycle assessment of any construction.

Life Cycle Assessment consists of following aspects:

  • Design,
  • Construction,
  • Operation,
  • Maintenance,
  • Renovation,
  • Demolition.

In general, the bigger the maintenance/refurbishment phase is, the smaller renovations are. Good property manager will plan regular refurbishments and make sure that cyclical refurbishments happen rather than leaving it too late necessitating reconstruction. The general rule: “if it isn’t broken, don’t replace it, really is good sense.”

Renovation implies replacement:
  • changes in structure,
  • the replacement of a defective item or area of your home,
  • conversions and/or extensions,

While refurbishment implies repair:
  • fixing the troubled area or item,
  • decorating,
  • generally speaking, to restore freshness of appearance or good condition of the house.

Fixing rather than replacing is a very sustainable way of addressing property maintenance. Our experienced team can assist you with an assessment of life cycle of service and most building elements, as well as drawing up specification, preparing drawings, tenders and on site administration within our Contract Administration Contract Administration service.

Disabled fit out

A major accident is an issue that may happen to anyone at any time. In the majority of all cases it does not influence only that person’s life, but also life of those who are sharing it with him. Many people who have suffered a serious accident have to make a considerable change to their homes, which usually means either house alterations/extensions, or moving to a substantial house. Ringley can provide you guidance on contractors who are specialized in disability related restorations.

We offer Client friendly Building Surveying Services

Building Surveying is about following knowing how buildings have been built over the years, the different materials that were available at the date of construction, what with hindsight we now know about such materials in order to follow the trail of suspicion and report on defects and remedies. Our role is to package this in clear, helpful advice..

Jon Curtis
Head of Building Engineering

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Professional specification and correct technical detailing delivers sound repairs.

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