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ESG Consultancy & Implementation

We are committed to play our part in the property industry through the influence we have in project monitoring for funds and developers, by monitoring the impact our operations have, and the impact of key Client buildings and by increasing awareness and doing our part to drive consumer behavior change.

"We have a stewardship role in the communities we create. ISO14001 accreditation is part of the ‘E’ (Environmental strategies) that underpin our holistic ESG strategy."

With the rise of residential real estate and Build to Rent properties in the UK, we are well versed in all ESG apsects. We support the delivery of great homes, build communities, and put sustainability and regulatory accountability at the core. The UK’s commitment to Carbon NetZero by 2050 is now core to all investment, design, delivery, and operating decisions. Given 52% of global warming comes from property, as a residential real-estate focused company, we are committed to managing and embedding ESG strategies in build, operation design, and retrofitting.

The NetZero commitment is an increasing expectation of consumers. Buildings that don't boast good ESG performance are stranding and don't achieve premium rents, so it is more important than ever to embed ESG strategies full lifecycle. The time for ESG is now!

The World Bank estimates, the real estate sector must reduce CO2 emissions by 36% by 2030 to support staying within the 2°C threshold.

Ringley's Sustainability Strategy & Policy

The United Nation's 2030 agenda for sustainable development has been achieved global recognition and been adopted by all member states. It provides a shared blueprint and sets out 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs); these are an urgent call for action.

Our one planet is home to us all, Ringley’s role is to foster stewardship; we track the 9 Sustainable Development Goals that are relevant to our operations and have embedded these into our sustainability strategy.

As a residentially led real estate business, we strive to be best-in-class; this means a responsible approach in our investment and asset management decisions as well as the sense of stewardship in the communities we create. This ongoing objective is one of the reasons our clients, partners, and staff are attracted to and loyal to us.

Our ESG Strategy formalises how we integrate environmental, social, and governance factors into our investment decisions, asset management strategies, and processes. We work with our investors and other partners to identify ESG opportunities, set targets, and report on progress.

E nvironment: Esustainable 1st
S ocial: Ecommunity 1st
G overnance: Eaccountability 1st

By resonating the threads of Sustainable 1st, Community 1st, and Accountability 1st in placemaking, we drive performance. Together, these guide us when planning aspirational living spaces and curating communities that foster a sense of stewardship.


Environmental concerns encompass issues such as climate change, greenhouse gases, biodiversity and natural capital and resources such as water usage. Our environmental objective is to set an example that BTR schemes are a positive lifestyle choice that contribute towards the greening agenda.

We focus primarily on.

Social Value

A joined up social value strategy begins with a Boardroom commitment: firstly, to create social value through teams at organisational level, and secondly, to find and champion from the outset, social needs where each asset is located. There is no blanket approach to social value as needs will differ at each location.

Social value is created when we extend the community we build into the wider community beyond the building itself; this also includes inviting the local community in.


In residential real estate, good governance will involve an ESG decision matrix that considers construction methods and materials full life cycle as well as end of life. In addition, regulations and accreditations demonstrate best practice and aid benchmarking and the internationally recognised ISO14001 standard affirms the operator follows best practice. Partnering with Ringley as Asset Manager reduces your ESG cost carry.

Building Accreditations held:

Accreditation is a testament of a developers' effort of working under local, national or global standards and frameworks. They provide a benchmark for builders and a protection mechanism for consumers; while allowing project owners to show their level of quality and aspiration.

The Value of Development Accreditations for Construction – Place Changers

The Ringley strategy for governance focuses on:

Articles & Blogs related:

Our Asset Management Team

The key to our success is our people

Mary-Anne Bowring
Chief Executive Officer
Andrew Pratt
Ian Barber
MD - BTR North
Oliver Hopkins
Investment Director
Rob Pratt
MD - BTR London
Aqilah Azlan
New Scheme Mobilisation
Russell Markou
Head of Living Strategy & Operations

Una Living is the living sectors delivery platform of The Ringley Group.

We build communities and support thousands of residents nationally.

Check out Una Living