Quote for service charge accounts?

Ringley deliver real time accounting throughout the year and transparency on how service charge funds are spent at year end.

We provide clients with Client Accounting expertise whether they be RTM, Freehold Management Companies, Resident Management Companies or private investors for residential commercial and mixed-use property sectors. Our efficiency in property-related financial matters facilitates property transactions in London and throughout the UK.

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As an accounting practice we experience peaks and troughs around the quarter days, do ask for a specific quote as when we are not in a busy period we are happy to see if we can provide a discount to our published fee scale to keep our teams busy.

Note 1
attendance at your Directors meeting is an optional extra at 150

Note 2
attendance at your Annual General Meeting is an optional extra at 150

Note 3
(Pitts and SeeUS Chartered Accountants & Registered Auditor)
Omnibus Business Centre,
39-41 North Road, London N7 9DP

Breakdown of accounting roles

A simple summary of how the respective accounting roles break down between - (1) the Managing Agent (2) Ringley Final Accounts service (3) the Independent Certifier

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Property Service Charge Accountants

We are more than accountants, we are property accountants. All we do is property accounts which means service charge accounts, company accounts for Resident and Freehold Management Companies and RTM Companies.

Service charge accounting has to relate to what is permitted service charge expenditure under the lease and also for new build properties has to apportion expenses in the early days between the leaseholders and the developer. So, if you want to talk anything service charge accounts, get in touch today..

Sarah Steel
Head of Finance

Find out more right now

For accounts that reflect your lease, property and accounting law, contact us.

Call us 020 7267 2900
Email us md@ringley.co.uk
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