When a block is small or an estate has few shared services self managing could be an option. It takes a Board or Director who is willing to get involved in the nitty gritty stuff.
We provide the tools and infrastructure to keep you safe and abreast of key processes
We agree for small blocks employing a Managing Agent can be a luxury, so we offer a budget solution for small blocks called BlockCare 300.
BlockCare 300 service….. your Online Property Manager
WE send out the demands, collect payments (and any arrears), owners can even pay by direct debit.
YOU control spending and instruct any repairs and upload the invoices to the portal for us to pay.
WE pay the bills and compile the service charge accounts.
AND, when properties sell we’ll handle the legal paperwork, share certificates too, that will be a little extra though, from £275 plus VAT.
Prices start from
BlockCare 300 adds value for small blocks of flats or private housing estates. Our role is to manage the accounting and administration. We do need at least 1 Director to logon and set the budget (so we can send the demands out, collect the money and put it in a Client account just your site). Demands will be legally compliant.
We’ll deal with Companies House and prepare the year end service charge accounts (from the demands we’ve issued, the money we’ve collected and the expenses posted on-line). Again this keeps you compliant with Sections 21-28 of the 1987 Landlord & Tenant Act. There are fail safe mechanisms in place, for example if nobody sends us a budget we’ll increase last years by 10% until you do so. Naturally this is only after email reminders chasing you.
BlockCare 300 is NOT a ‘fully managed’ service; you don’t get a Property Manager as the management decisions are undertaken by the Directors who are the Responsible Person. We fulfil the accounting and administrative functions to keep everything working like clockwork and protect you from rookie or schoolboy errors. See below who will be doing what
What you do:
The Directors/Freeholder will |
What we do:
Ringley will send you, and/or share online |
Set the budget & email it to us | send the budget with demands |
Run any meetings | send out demands & reminders |
Arrange quotes for repairs | instruct debtchase on arrears |
Organise contractors/repairs | the service charge accounts |
Go online to instruct us to pay contractors | copy demands/account statement online |
advice notes on most property issues online |
We will keep you safe governance-wise:We also take care of the legal paperwork: We'll
- Demands we send will be legally valid
- Arrears will be chased
- Service charge accounts will be compliant
- A step-by-step guides on most property issues on-line
- file the Annual Confirmation Statement with Companies House
- file the Company Accounts
- deal with Solicitors enquiries when a property is selling
Find out more today
"Ringley block management
has visible results"