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Your brand or the building?

the question whether to promote your brand on all your developments, like a hotel would, or whether to brand the building, largely depends on your disposal strategy. The norm is to name your building then present it as 'simply better' because of the gravitas of your institutional landlord brand.

Service capability

  • We go way beyond traditional property management, our role is to create a long term vision.
  • We will engage as part of the delivery team from the outset. Our aim is to add real value to the process.
  • We are open to ideas about broader joint venture agreements, single schemes or multiple sites.

Branding your building

Our role is to make your building a brand, that says something about your customers, a place where a sense of community is fostered, a destination, a definitive lifestyle choice.

  • A brand that says – vibrant, modern, clean living, where busy people and customers can buy a relaxed environment.
  • A lifestyle choice – central, secure, staffed to serve (accessible by phone, in person, on line 24/7).
  • A place architecturally inspired – enviromentally sensitive, inclusive and locally connected.
  • Creating community involvement – a cluster of socially responsible people who we invite to become part of something bigger, brought together by events to add value.

It’s never too early to start talking management. Early collaboration will help test ideas, advise you on running costs and assist in building an operating model that is sustainable and will deliver.

The ultimate question from all angles is: What does your building say about

  • You as a landlord?
  • Your employees?
  • Your residents?

And, would your residents recommend living in it, as a lifestyle choice.

Vision More. Simple aspirational flexible lifestyle. Freedom to stay. Options to grow.

Mission To foster a sense of community by delivering customer satisfaction.

100% transparency is designed into all our processes.

Our Asset Management Team

The key to our success is our people


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