Hi it's Tuesday 11th March, click here to read stories of £3,640,143 we've saved for Clients...

Each owner promised to pay their service charges on time so they should. Effective property management is dependent on good cash flow and effective credit control. Contractors paid on time are happy contractors, who will be pleased to attend to your next emergency. All blocks of flats must be run as a business, cashflow is king.

We understand that there is a difference between ‘cant pay’ and ‘wont pay’ and therefore our debt chase process includes our financial hardship policy which invites owners to agree the arrears so that we can go with them to seek help from their lender rather than go to Court.

Click to see Flowchart on Service Charge Recovery:

Each Client is allocated their own Legal Officer from Ringley Law to talk them through any litigation necessary, and what costs are likely to be recoverable from the lessee in default, as a Schedule 11 Administration Charge or, from the general service charge. In some instances there may be a tactical advantage to go to Tribunal to confirm a breach of lease, thereby achieving clearance for Section 146 forfeiture action.

Ringley Law have the experience to deal with issues of ‘reasonableness’ or ‘legal recoverability’ at Court or First Tier Tribunal and will seek to mediate between the parties where possible.

For advocacy we have relationships with all the leading Barristers Chambers to best present your case.

Find out more today

We make light work
of arrears Ringley Law

Call us on 020 4506 9030


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