If your tenants are calling you for minor repairs like changing a lightbulb, it’s time to use PlanetRent! Research from Glide shows that over one in five renters expect landlords to fix their Wi-Fi, and more than one in three think landlords should change their lightbulbs. Clearly, many tenants have unrealistic expectations, which can lead to unnecessary hassles for landlords.
A study of 1,000 tenants revealed surprising findings about what renters expect from their landlords:
PlanetRent brings transparency to the entire tenant journey. By using our app, both landlords and tenants know exactly where they stand, reducing confusion and making property management more efficient.
PlanetRent automates lettings, simplifying the tenant journey while keeping landlords compliant. It’s quick, easy, and—best of all—free! Download the app today and make property management hassle-free.
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