Fire Door Inspection App

Fire Door FAIL Certificates

A qualified Fire Door Inspector will make up to 59 checks on each fire door - the diagram below demonstrates how many fire door checks there are for each type of door.

Typically the Fire Door Checks for Apartment front doors will include:

Does Fire Door have "Third Party Certified Fire Door" label or coding?

Door Resistance/Fire Rating (in minutes, i.e. FD30, FD60)?

Are the Fire Doors in good condition (if lipped are they glued, are there cracks or holes)?

Are the Fire Door Frames in good condition (firmly attached to walls, any gaps or failing seals, cracks and holes)?

What material are the Fire Door and frame made from?

What Type of Seals are in place?

Are Smoke Seals/Intumescent Strips in good condition (free from damage, paint and varnish, intumescent strips may still work if painted over)?

Does the door leaf have 3 or more hinges?

Are there loose or missing screws to the hinges?

Are hinges free of metal fragments, oil leakage, wear?

Are all other Ironmongery screws secure?

Other Ironmongery marked with CE stamp, BSEN 1935 grade 13?

Other ironmongery free from damage and operating correctly?

Is a Door Closer Fitted?

Is the Door Closer in good condition (attached to door frame, no oil leakage)?

Does the Fire Door fully close and shut tight by use of its own Self Closing Device (up to 25 seconds to close)?

Top: Gaps compliant (2 - 4 mm)

Hinge Side: Gaps compliant (2 - 4 mm)

Opening Side: Gaps compliant (2 - 4 mm)

Bottom: Gaps compliant (3 - 8 mm)

Is there glazing in the Fire Door and/or surrounding Frame?

Is the glazing Fire Rated?

Is the glazing in good condition in the Fire Door and/or Frame (loose, damaged, cracked)?

Is the seal continuous around the beading and beading secure?

Typically the Fire Door Checks for Apartment front doors will include:

Does Fire Door have "Third Party Certified Fire Door" label or coding?

Door Resistance/Fire Rating (in minutes, i.e. FD30, FD60)?

Are the Fire Doors in good condition (if lipped are they glued, are there cracks or holes)?

Are the Fire Door Frames in good condition (firmly attached to walls, any gaps or failing seals, cracks and holes)?

What material are the Fire Door and frame made from?

Are "Fire Door Keep Shut" signs displayed to both sides of the Fire Doors?

What Type of Seals are in place?

Are Smoke Seals/Intumescent Strips in good condition (free from damage, paint and varnish, intumescent strips may still work if painted over)?

Does the door leaf have 3 or more hinges?

Are there loose or missing screws to the hinges?

Are hinges free of metal fragments, oil leakage, wear?

Are all other Ironmongery screws secure?

Other Ironmongery marked with CE stamp, BSEN 1935 grade 13?

Other ironmongery free from damage and operating correctly?

Is a Door Closer Fitted?

Is the Door Closer in good condition (attached to door frame, no oil leakage)?

Does the Fire Door fully close and shut tight by use of its own Self Closing Device (up to 25 seconds to close)?

Top: Gaps compliant (2 - 4 mm)

Hinge Side: Gaps compliant (2 - 4 mm)

Opening Side: Gaps compliant (2 - 4 mm)

Bottom: Gaps compliant (3 - 8 mm)

Is there glazing in the Fire Door and/or surrounding Frame?

Is the glazing Fire Rated?

Is the glazing in good condition in the Fire Door and/or Frame (loose, damaged, cracked)?

Is the seal continuous around the beading and beading secure?

Are the Fire Doors Automatic or Manual?

If Automatic Fire Doors are in Place, are "Automatic Fire Door Keep Clear" signs displayed?

Is there a Door Hold Open Mechanism?

Are Fire Doors Wedged Open?

Can the Fire Door be opened without the use of a key?

Does the Fire Door open in the direction of travel to the fire exit?

Are Door Handles in place?

If glazing panels are below 1500mm, is glass safety glass?

Are door handles loose or missing?

Typically the Fire Door Checks for Apartment front doors will include:

Does Fire Door have "Third Party Certified Fire Door" label or coding?

Door Resistance/Fire Rating (in minutes, i.e. FD30, FD60)?

Are the Fire Doors in good condition (if lipped are they glued, are there cracks or holes)?

Are the Fire Door Frames in good condition (firmly attached to walls, any gaps or failing seals, cracks and holes)?

Are "Fire Door Keep Locked Shut" signs displayed to Riser Fire Doors?

What Type of Seals are in place?

Are Smoke Seals/Intumescent Strips in good condition (free from damage, paint and varnish, intumescent strips may still work if painted over)?

Does the door leaf have 3 or more hinges?

Are hinges free of metal fragments, oil leakage, wear?

Are all other Ironmongery screws secure?

Other Ironmongery marked with CE stamp, BSEN 1935 grade 13?

Other ironmongery free from damage and operating correctly?

Top: Gaps compliant (2 - 4 mm)

Hinge Side: Gaps compliant (2 - 4 mm)

Opening Side: Gaps compliant (2 - 4 mm)

Bottom: Gaps compliant (3 - 8 mm)

Is there glazing in the Fire Door and/or surrounding Frame?

Is the glazing Fire Rated?

Is the glazing in good condition in the Fire Door and/or Frame (loose, damaged, cracked)?

Is the seal continuous around the beading and beading secure?

Can the Fire Door be opened without the use of a key?

Below is an example of an email advisory note to owners whose Apartment front doors has FAILED one or more of the 40 Apartment Fire Door Checks, in this instance it is the door that has failed and needs replacement, along with associated remedial works.

Dear Owner

Owner’s Fire Door Inspection Certificate & Advice Note

Re: ##property ref## ##property address 1## ## property address 2##

The Fire Safety Act 2021 made it a requirement for Managing Agents to inspect Owners apartment front doors (where such door adjoins the communal areas) annually.

So, following the inspection ddmmyy ATTACHED is the Inspection Certificate for your property.

Unfortunately, your door has FAILED the 42 point inspection. The certificate issued is 'FAIL - effect remedial works' so fortunately a complete new door set is not required but - You MUST take action.

If you do not act and there was a fire your fire door has lost integrity and the fire compartmentation it should offer is substandard and could endanger lives. Any post fire investigation would require sight of the Fire Door Inspection Certificate for your door and evidence that you have had remedial works carried out. If you are unable to evidence this then you may well be prosecuted.

Next steps: arranging remedial works

  1. Please note only Accredited Fire Door Installers should work on Fire Doors.
  2. You can get a list of Accredited Installers at
  3. The demise of your Apartment includes your front door so whilst the Fire Safety Act 2021 makes the inspection a service charge cost, remedial works are an Owners responsibility and cost.
  4. If remedial works are not undertaken this is what will happen:
    Non compliance step 1 - you will be served a Section 38 Repairs Notice to formally call for the required works within 60 days. The costs of such notice will be recharged to you.
    Non compliance step 2 - you will be reported to the Council Enforcement Department and the Fire Service, both of whom have enforcement powers and can impose fines.
    Non compliance step 3 - an application will be made to the Court for Specific Performance - which means the Court order you to do the works. Court costs and legal fees will be recharged to you.
    Non compliance step 4 - Tribunal action to confirm breach and/or Section 146 forfeiture action could be started, forfeiture is the process of taking your lease on your Apartment away.

Not acting could endanger of the lives of others and WILL INCREASE SERVICE CHARGE COSTS for all as if compartmentation is unsatisfactory the Fire Service are likely to require a 'waking watch' to be out in place (as many trained fire wardens as it take to fully patrol the entire site at 15 minute intervals).

What do I do AFTER I have got the works done?

  1. You need to UPLOAD
    (a) the job sheet from the contractor you chose detailing the works done, and
    (b) a PASS Certificate
    To the Ringley Gateway portal. We will send you fortnightly reminders until this is done.

We will give you an SIX WEEK window to do so and will not start any of the non-compliance steps until after that.

Further information & Useful references:

Please keep your Certificate safe; if you rent your property your tenants may ask for it and if you are selling almost certainly the buyers Solicitors will ask for it. Copies can be found on the Ringley Gateway portal. If however, you lose the Certificate and apply to the office for a copy, the administrative costs of supplying copies will be charged to you in accordance with Schedule 11 of the Commonhold & Leasehold Reform Act 2002, to be fair to those who don't duplicate work and to keep management fees low.

If we have your email address designated as 'Owner' then you can automatically log onto the Ringley Gateway portal at

If you can’t get straight in then you will need to call one of our Customer Care Team on 0207 267 2900.

Yours sincerely,

Compliance Team

Ringley Group

A qualified Fire Door Inspector will make up to 59 checks on each fire door - the diagram below demonstrates how many fire door checks there are for each type of door.

Apartment Door Checks Communal Fire Door Checks Riser Cupboard Door Checks

Typically the Fire Door Checks for Apartment front doors will include:

Typically the Fire Door Checks for Communal front doors will include:

Typically the Fire Door Checks for Riser front doors will include: