PlanetRent's research has revealed that small landlords' biggest problem is being chased by tenants who have unrealistic expectations about repairs.
Experienced landlords know that ignoring a repair often leads to higher costs down the line. However, the real issue is not the cost of repairs but the hassle of managing them—coordinating contractors and keeping tenants informed.
A healthy landlord-tenant relationship is built on trust and clear expectations.
However, wear and tear is inevitable—appliances will break, plumbing may need attention, and fixtures will require replacement. The key to avoiding disputes is clear communication from both sides.
A good landlord will have a service level agreement (SLA) in place to set clear repair expectations for tenants.
Setting these expectations early reduces frustration and unnecessary disputes.
Tenants must recognize their role in the repair process, including:
Likewise, landlords should communicate effectively about when and how repairs will be handled. This prevents unnecessary confrontations and helps create a smoother rental experience.
PlanetRent simplifies repair management by automating the process and providing a standard service level agreement for landlords and tenants.
With PlanetRent, tenants receive:
This ensures everyone understands the repair process and helps prevent miscommunication.
By setting clear expectations and automating repair management, PlanetRent helps landlords:
With PlanetRent, landlords and tenants benefit from an efficient, transparent repair system—making property management easier for everyone.
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