A disturbing development in the UK property market is severely impacting leasehold property owners. Evidence suggests the existence of unfair insurance commission practices, with commission rates paid by insurers to brokers reaching 30% or more—a cause for concern.
The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has released a report on insurance for multi-occupancy buildings, highlighting excessive commission levels charged by landlords and managing agents.
Leaseholders already pay property managing agents through service charges, yet freeholders and managing agents continue to receive additional broker commissions.
To protect leaseholders, the FCA recommends several actions, including:
Simon Clarke has also asked BIBA to propose industry reforms, including pooling solutions with the Association of British Insurers and improving market data transparency.
Unlike freeholders, managing agents are already required to disclose their commissions in servicechargesorted.co.uk/blogs/digital-solution-can-improve-the-whole-process-by-making-it-faster-and-more-transparent'>service charge accounts.
While managing agents are partially self-regulating, freeholders continue to profit from undisclosed commissions. The Insurance Act 2015 failed to mandate commission transparency for freeholders, leaving leaseholders vulnerable to excessive charges. With growing pressure from the FCA and government, the industry may soon face new regulations aimed at protecting leaseholders from unfair costs.
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