by: Mary-Anne Bowring/Property Industry Eye
PlanetRent, an automated letting platform, will allow private landlords to list their property directly on Zoopla and Rightmove on a pay-as-you-go basis.
The platform, which has been developed by Ringley Group and is free to download and use, gives landlords the facility to create their own personalised website on which to advertise their properties and potentially to manage the whole of the letting process themselves. In this circumstances it appears that PlanetRent (which is registered with TPO and is an ARLA member) may be treading a delicate line in regard to the terms under which these portals accept listings.
Mary-Anne Bowring, group managing director at Ringley Group, is quoted as saying: “PlanetRent has been designed to save landlords and agents, time, money and hassle, by automating the majority of the lettings process. “Now more than ever, landlords need to focus on the correct marketing strategies for their properties and we’re confident that PlanetRent has the perfect offering for landlords of all sizes.” EYE asked Zoopla and Rightmove if they will accept listings from PlanetRent. Zoopla said in a statement: “All agents have to follow our member guidelines when listing properties on Zoopla. “Agents who fail to do so face a variety of potential measures including the removal of their ability to list properties on the site.” A Rightmove spokesperson told us: “Rightmove is carrying out a full review of this customer.”

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