Invitation to Editors

by: Mary-Anne Bowring

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You are invited to try for yourself,

the new online Leaseholder Support product from The Ringley Group. Get connected to the first product of this type to be launched on the UK market that is focused on supporting the leaseholder. See how Leaseholder Support can benefit groups of individuals by helping them to manage their properties, seek advice, access tools for planning budgets & reserves, learn about crucial legal & valuation procedures to get out of tricky situations and much, much more.

It can even be used as a proactive tool to check the performance of managing agents, or question the actions of the freeholder. To access Leaseholder Support, simply log on to and follow these simple instructions: 1. Log on to 2. In the Sign-In box, enter the following email address: 3. Enter the word JOURNALIST in the Password box. We have created a fictitious property where you live, in a block of five flats that you can manage using the Leaseholder Support website. Click on My Flat, and My Block, to see the wealth of facilities available to the user. For further media information or images, please contact Beth Meades Black Chilli Media Telephone 0870 850 6158 Email


Lease Extension, FH and Right to Manage

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