Green Champion of the Year 2010

by: The Negotiator

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Green Champion of the Year Sponsored by: The Digital Property Group Winner:

The Ringley Group Judges were unanimous about The Ringley Group being crowned green agency champion. They were impressed with the North West London-based property management firms green strategy and monitoring of its sustainability efforts.

These include a commitment to recycle all paper, which the firm claims has helped save 244 trees between 2006 and July 2010, and to switch off its air conditioning/heater for at least 100 days each year, to help reduce its greenhouse gas emissions. Within its managed blocks, the group uses low-energy lightbulbs where possible and maximises the insulation of loft areas. It also ensures recycling facilities are available wherever possible. One judge says: The thing I like is that not only the is the firm looking after buildings, but it is also looking after residents. Another judge was impressed with the firm's commitment to sourcing staff and services locally, but particularly its bravery in phasing out its company cars and reducing its pooled cars from six to four.

The Ringley Groups customer service initiatives include an offer to reimburse a clients block management fee if they opt to communicate with the firm via a teleconference instead of using their car. The firm beat off competition from Accent, Adam Church, Encore Estate Management and Milton Ashbury to win this category crown.


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