Dealing with Pigeons as a Pest

by: Mary-Anne Bowring

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So what is the best the way to deal with them?

Many people take pleasure in feeding pigeons however pigeons are widely regarded as a pest and unacceptable in large numbers. suggests ways to help you deal with problems concerning pigeons. The control of pigeons is a very controversial subject as many people see them as part of natural wildlife and enjoy feeding them unfortunately the number of pigeons attracted to an area depends on the food available. For the large majority of us, pigeons are seen as a pest and a health risk. So what is the best the way to deal with them? Pigeons can cause problems when roosting on buildings through the fouling of ledges and on other nesting or roosting areas. Their droppings may also cause slip hazards on walkways and pavements. If pigeons are being fed, more pigeons will be attracted to that area so it is advised that people restrain from feeding them.

There have been a number of cases where people have been prosecuted for causing a health risk by feeding pigeons. All pigeons require nesting and roosting sites (e.g. balconies, window ledges and roof areas of surrounding buildings). If pigeons begin to roost on part of your property the following steps are advised: Attempt to scare the pigeons away; to let them know it is not a suitable nesting place (e.g. methods can be simple-such as a piece of string with foil attached.) You must also ensure that there is no possible food source available to them, in the immediate area. There are many products available to professional pest controllers that prevent pigeons from landing on ledges, roofs, balconies etc. It is best to seek expert advice on these products. If you are a council resident, your Estate Manager may be able to give advice on how to deal with this problem. If you are a private owner or tenant, you may have to contact a private Pest Control Company who would normally be willing to give you a quote for pigeon proofing your property. It is advised that all pigeon proofing work should be carried by an experienced professional as pigeons are known to adapt to obstructions. If you decide to proof your building against pigeons, the following prevention methods are advised: Spiking-Bird Spikes are the Industry Standard method of protecting your property from pigeons.

They prevent pigeons roosting and landing on your property without harming them. Spikes are recommended by the RSPB (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds) and PICAS (The Pigeon Control Advisory Service). Courtyard netting-Nets can be used to exclude pigeons from areas of a building and is normally a very cost effective way of preventing pigeon damage to buildings. Trapping-This method involves encouraging pigeons into a trap that is placed in their roosting or feeding area that is usually baited with grain. Once a certain number of birds have been trapped, they are removed and killed. Birth control and removal of nest sites Repellent gels-A variety of gels are available which are unpleasant to pigeons and discourages them from nesting. The disadvantage of gels is that they are often expensive and their effect can fade in time. Feeding pigeons is the main cause in the increase of pigeons. Action to control the food supply is essential if we are to reduce the number of pigeons.

By disposing of unwanted food and food containers responsibly, the general public can help to combat the growing concern of feral pigeons. If necessary, your local Environmental Health Officer may be able to give further information relating to pigeon nuisance and the associated legislation should you require it. Dealing with pigeons as a pest is just one of the subjects featured on Members can download 130 FREE fact sheets to help them deal with common issues affecting residential flats, and gain access to online tools and step by step guides to make managing your own block easier. For more information visit:


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