A Local Firm with a Difference

by: Camden New Journal

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A Local Firm with a Difference

St Christopher Court is just one fine local example of Ringley's property expertise. Ringley have not only advised the Kenny Group how the service charge should be calculated, but also sold the two Penthouses and several other flats. There are now four flats remaining with prices from £160,000 to £300,000 Peter Ivanhoe (Ringleys Sales Manager) said that the penthouse set a record for Kentish Town, it was sold as a shell for in excess of £400,000. Other quality properties sold recently include a five bedroom house in Dresden Road, the asking price was £425,000, and a quaint town house in Fortess Grove the asking price was £285,000.

Peter puts Ringleys success down to getting the right balance between realistic pricing and having the right client base, he stressed that what Ringley is all about is providing quality advice and building new relationships: He referred to a recent instance where he had been called in to carry out a marketing appraisal of a house that had been on with another agent for two months with no offers forthcoming. Peter identified to the customer that the property was, in his opinion, over-priced and quoted examples. Although this did not benefit Ringley directly, the customer did successfully reduce the price with the other agent and now has a buyer. Lettings home & abroad Ringley believes it is better placed than most estate agents when it comes to lettings.

This is because all settings are managed by Ringleys more than competent management department. Ringley can compile inventories, offer tenancy agreements, serve notices and hold deposit monies in a designated client account which is regulated by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors as well dealing with the revenue authorities on behalf of overseas landlords. Survey & Valuation We believe Survey & Valuation is something different at Ringley Chartered Surveyors say Surveyor Director Jonathan Stickells. How so you may ask, well for starters we appreciate that a property investment is probably the largest transaction that someone makes, also we believe just like you choose you solicitor and build a relationship so should you with your surveyor. We want to know our clients particular concerns: perhaps the floor is sloping, perhaps part of a wall has been rebuilt, or maybe the chimney stack is leaning says Jon. 24 Hour Surveying Ringley Chartered Surveyors provide a full range of valuation services: homebuyer reports, valuations for lease extensions, dilapidations surveys and more.

They are approved valuers for eight High Street lenders, and, for purchasers in a hurry, Ringley offer premium service with a surcharge for guaranteed next day reporting. Property Management Most people do not know exactly what property management involves, effectively, someone has to take responsibility for the common areas to keep the lights and lifts working, keep the garden pretty and make sure the cleaner turns up. However, there is more to it than this, from preparing a fair service charge to ensuring it is collected, dealing with the Legal aspects of management, insurance, redecorations and so on. 24 Hour Management Ringley offer a six-month start-up service and provide a 24-hour helpline where residents can call with any query. After this period, emergencies are still dealt with on a 24-hour basis.

The department is headed by Mr Peter Joyce, who has over 30 years management experience and has developed many sites in the Greater London area. Peter is supported by two dedicated problem solvers, three accounts staff, an administrative team and the Survey Department. Peter often reminds his team that they should never forget that what they are managing is someone's home. Maximum security for residents Unlike many unregulated agents, residents' money held by Ringley is guaranteed by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, Ringley can write specifications for major works in house, and assesses the sum for which each block is insured periodically. Thus protecting residents from the adverse effects of an insurer hiking premiums by indexation.

What Ringley offers ?

Ringley offers all clients the benefit of their block policy with Royal Sun Alliance. James White advises that premiums range from 7p to 12p per £100 sum insured (plus IPT). A quick ready-reckoner to find out if your block is insured for the right amount, is as below: Sum Insured ----------------- x £ 0.07 = £ Premium + Insurance premium tax @ 5% 100 James hastens to add that, of course, the accuracy of this will depend upon a correct assessment of the sum insured initially, and that this was something that Ringley offers as a free service. Charlotta Karlsson promptly reminded us that not all new sites are even built. Ringleys clients range from the three leaseholders that clubbed together to collectively buy out their freeholder, to the likes of Berkeley Homes, Weston Homes, Furlong Homes who involve Ringley when a site is no more than a hole in the ground. Buying out your landlord Peter Joyce reminded us that as under English law, no more than four people can own a piece of land,normally a management company needs to be set up.

Not unlike ICI or M&S, a management company still has many legal obligations, i.e. to hold an AGM, produce accounts and to compile an Annual Return, issue share certificates and maintain the company ledgers. Leaseholders can delegate these duties to Ringley, who not only guarantee that should a fine be incurred (provided all the information is available) they will pay it. Managing Director, Mary-Anne Bowring stated that above all Ringley is a family business, built on traditional family values and that the company's commitment to staff training has made the last three years growth possible. She believes Ringley will continue to go from strength to strength, the final message being that she and her team are happy to advise on all aspects of property, and everybody is invited to drop in.


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