Right to Manage

We set up RTM Companies and provide management options beyond.

Leasehold property owners can claim the right to manage their block without having to prove any fault on the part of the current landlord or manager.

Why setup an RTM company?

As a leaseholder there could be many reasons for wanting to take responsibility for the management of your block. Perhaps you would like more control over the level of service charges set, wish to appoint your own choice of managing agent, or want to select your own insurance policy for the block.

Whatever the reason, you could benefit directly from exercising the Right To Manage, as long as you are comfortable with the responsibility that this brings.

Right to Manage: what you need to know

What happens after claiming your Right to Manage?

You need to decide if you will self-manage or choose an Agent. You might need to serve a contracts notice to establish any continuing contracts, you may need to do a call on members to fund things until you can send demands.

Low Cost Managing Agent
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The Right to Manage Company Duties

Essentially the RTM Company stands in the shoes of the landlords, can place insurance, choose its own Agent, set the service charge budget and decide what works to do when. Right to Manage puts you in control.

Right to Manage: an expert explains
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The Team

The key to our success is our people.


Senior Partner Law

Richard Read

Head of Block Management
Wales & West

Nick Pratt

National Head of Site Staff
Block Management

Nick Pratt

National Head of Site Staff
Block Management

Our Right to Manage Experts

The key to our success is our people

Lee Harle
Senior Partner
Deepesh Tank
Legal Officer
Julian Ings
Legal Consultant
Nichola Pughe
Head of Residential Valuation