Additional Services

Additional Services

Ringley as a group offers a comprehensive range of Additional Services. These are excluded from our base management fee - on the basis that they are not ordinary day-to-day property management events, or that they require a different skills set to a generalist Property/Relationship Manager, e.g., Lawyer, Accountant, Engineer, Chartered Surveyor, Facilities Manager, or that they are event fees for matters relating to an individual owners property for which the individual owner pays.

Excluded Services

  • Carrying out an inspection of the Property (other than the common parts thereof), or a building survey or valuation of the Property for security purposes, or preparing or checking an inventory; or reading meters for demised properties;
  • Offering vacant property to let, preparing tenancy Agreements, advising the Client on rents, consulting Rent Officers and making submissions to the Rent Assessment Committee, advising the Client on the terms of any lease or negotiating the terms of any new or varied lease;
  • Advising on right to manage, freehold purchase/enfranchisement applications and/or the sale of shares in any Freehold company to non freehold owners or any non demised parts of the building; including preparing statutory valuations, service of notices, formation of right to manage and/or freehold/management companies, preparation of EGM notices, attendance at meetings, changes to the company structure (Memorandum & Articles of association) to facilitate any grant/issue/allotment of shares, sale of shares, managing a bank account for the purpose, negotiating premiums, advising on how to deal with/allocate the proceeds of sale including grant of dividends, advance corporation tax and executing deed of variations to grant lease extensions;
  • Calling meetings, preparing and executing board resolutions to vary a defective lease clause under Section 37 of the 1987 Landlord & Tenant Act to draft replacement lease clauses, prepare a case for Tribunal and register changes to the lease with HM Land Registry;
  • Initiating or responding to, conducting, negotiating with the parties, preparing evidence for and attending hearings or Tribunal and otherwise dealing with any rent review, party wall proceedings, application for a grant or for consent, owners insurance claims, NHBC or developer warranty claims, arbitration or litigation;
  • Preparing statutory notices to include consultation notices to comply with landlord & tenant legislation
  • Preparing balance sheet accounts, quarterly accruals based management accounts and statutory accounts;
  • Inspections or work re-calculating or re-basing estate/service charge percentages where the lease schedules are found to be defective, extra units are created or otherwise implementing the rights arising from Pole Properties Limited V Feinbery 1982 43P&CR 121 Court of Appeal and serving of notices to vary estate/service charge percentages;
  • Dealing with 3rd party Company Secretaries to maintain the legal ownership registers where notice of transfer is not received from a purchaser on sale and detective work is required to trace sales that are not notified to us, dealing with non panel accountants or an accountant who will not visit our offices to view bank, invoice & other audit records to which a time charge for copying original records will apply;
  • Dealing with local government matters including registration of Houses in Multiple occupation, council tax valuations, planning permission, building regulations consent and grant applications;
  • Advising on or assisting with enforcing contracts where the contracting parties do not include the Client/Client Company, or where the Managing Agent were not the appointed managing agent/contract administrator at the time hence researching time is required;
  • Supervising and verifying the performance of contractors or other professional consultants whose work would normally require verification by a Qualified Surveyor; i.e., where repair or improvement works are procured via an informal tender situation as opposed to a project run by an Engineer under a JCT contract. Such works will attract the greater of an hourly rate fee for acting on the instructions of the Client or 5% whichever is the greater;
  • Acting as liaison between Directors, Freehold Owners/Lessees for capital works projects on which the Managing Agent are not appointed as Contract Administrator including the co-ordination of outside consultants, contractors. Such works to be remunerated at : Value of works £1-£50,000 - 3%, £50,- £100,000 - 2.5%, £100-£200,000 - 2%, £200-£300,000 - 2%, £300-£500,000 - 1.75%; £500-£750,000 - 1.6%, £750-£1M - 1.5%, £1M+ - 1.25%;
  • Acting as liaison between Directors, Freehold Owners/Lessees for capital works projects where the Surveyor or Engineer appointed is employed by an associated company of the Managing Agent, liaison will be remunerated at the greater of : Value of works £1-£50,000 - £500 or 1%, £50,-£100,000 - £1,000 or 1%, £100-£200,000 - £1,500 or 1%, £200-£300,000 - £2,000 or 1%, £300-£500,000 - £2,750 or 1%; £500-£750,000 - £3,750 or 0.075%, £750-£1M - 0.06%, £1M+ - £5,000 or 0.05%;
  • Preparing specifications for tender, supervising and measuring works the cost of which exceeds the specified expenditure limits and for non-routine matters and where expenditure is in excess of the limits contained in the Landlord and Tenant Acts 1985 and 1987 or as subsequently amended;
  • Tendering works that should be tendered by an Mechanical & Electrical Engineer, Lift Engineer or Chartered Building Surveyor or Chartered Building Engineer;
  • Preparing a CAPex (capital expenditure) report to predict lifespan of building elements, equipment, fixtures and fittings;
  • Attending project design and development planning meetings and providing advice notes, operational intelligence and advice to assist in cost planning, design and operation of future projects;
  • Advising on safety or health matters to any part of the property including Access Audits, compliance with the Disability Discrimination Acts, Water Treatment or other requirements laid down by insurers, the Local Fire Officer or local government and dealing with compliance and information requests from the Freeholder or Headlease;
  • Preparing FEEPs (Fire Emergency Evacuation plans) with specific fire evacuation procedures for each part of the building(s), and PEEPs (Personal Emergency Evacuation plans) for any disabled or mobility impaired residents;
  • Complying with requirements on Clients by their insurers or health & safety legislation insofar as they relate to the waste, neglect, negligence, lack of repair or compliance with IEE, gas safety or water regulations as applicable to individual flats;
  • After notifying a freehold owner/lessee in writing 2 times of a potential breach of covenant, preparing repairs and/or breach of covenant or forfeiture notices is chargeable;
  • Due diligence on the likelihood of arrears recovery and to enable turning on debtchase on arrears where such arrears relate to a period the commencement of this Agreement (see clauses 2.12), a copy of the due diligence checklist is available from,. The allocated Caseworker may need the assistance of your former agent or papers held by you as Client to assess the merits of any particular case. The charge for running the due diligence check is £125+Vat.
  • Any advertising and recruitment of staff on behalf of the Client;
  • Supplying extra copies of statements of account and copies of any other documents, preparing management accounts on multi-schedule sites including accruals and pre-payments;
  • If the Client is a company, acting as Company Secretary (separate terms apply);
  • Dealing or advising upon applications for assignment of tenancies or leases, sub-lettings, alterations and changes of use;
  • Providing copies (other than odd 1 off copies) of supporting invoices or other property records. All property records and invoices will be made available for inspection at our offices during working hours with or without appointment at no charge;
  • Liaison with accountants who are unable to use Ringley cloud systems to inspect records, preparing physical or electronic copies of documents, invoices, paying in book, cheque book stubs, bank reconciliations. Where a Client chooses a panel accountant no charges will be made for taking copies of the Client’s full financial records for collection or despatch, otherwise the copy charge below, subsequent revision thereof, will apply;
  • Preparation of Company Tax Returns, Trust Tax Returns which would fall under the remit of your Accountant, and/or certification or audit thereof;
  • Preparing for the Client any documentation for submission to Companies House. The Client needs to appoint Ringley to act as Company Secretary for us to deal with Companies House matters;
  • Notifying or reminding the client of any Companies House deadlines, including any documentation prepared under separate Agreement for submission to Companies House other than the year end Company Accounts;
  • Postage, copy and admin costs for distribution of paperwork relating to Tribunal/Court cases and associated time in preparing evidence;
  • Advice on investment of reserve funds - RICS Regulatory Panel’s view is that Managing Agents are not qualified or competent to give financial advice such as where to invest reserves and the Client should take independent financial advice at their cost such adviser should make the Client aware of any access restrictions. Any investment scheme where Ringley are not signatory will not be protected by the RICS Client Money Protection Scheme;
  • The cost of attendance of a Finance Team Leader or external accountant at a Directors meeting or AGM;
  • Responding to out of hours requests and arranging contractors where clause 1.28 is not satisfied;
  • Managing developer snagging items and the performance of contractors undertaking developer snagging whether to individual units or the communal areas and making claims under any build guarantees;
  • Acting as Principal Designer or Designer under the Construction Design and Management Regulations 2015, writing specifications to design out risk, acting as designer or health and safety specialists to evaluate different methods of approaching works and/or providing pre or during works health and safety plans ;
  • We make every effort to invite owners to lodge their contract details (phones, emails, next of kin) with us. We do this by way of an update record's check form attached to welcome letter 1 and welcome letter 2, as well as during the pre-sales process. In addition, where we have an email address but no phone numbers for a property, each month we email such owners inviting them to update their details on the Ringley Gateway portal simply by clicking a link within the email. Where sub-letting registration is observed we collect tenant(s) and Agent(s) contact details as part of the sub-letting registration process. Where subletting registration is not observed we also invite owners to provide their tenant(s) details. It needs to be recognised that owners cannot be forced to provide us with more than a correspondence address. Where a Client/Committee expects us to go beyond this considerable process to keep good contact records, e.g. door knocking, extra letters and phone calls such work is a chargeable extra;
  • Making applications to the New Homes Ombudsman and preparing documents to support a claim;

Ringley as a group offers a comprehensive range of Additional Services. These are excluded from our base management fee - on the basis that they are not ordinary day-to-day property management events, or that they require a different skills set to a generalist Property/Relationship Manager, e.g., Lawyer, Accountant, Engineer, Chartered Surveyor, Facilities Manager, or that they are event fees for matters relating to an individual owners property for which the individual owner pays.

Excluded Services

  • Carrying out an inspection of the Property (other than the common parts thereof), or a building survey or valuation of the Property for security purposes, or preparing or checking an inventory; or reading meters for demised properties;
  • Offering vacant property to let, preparing tenancy Agreements, advising the Client on rents, consulting Rent Officers and making submissions to the Rent Assessment Committee, advising the Client on the terms of any lease or negotiating the terms of any new or varied lease;
  • Advising on right to manage, freehold purchase/enfranchisement applications and/or the sale of shares in any Freehold company to non freehold owners or any non demised parts of the building; including preparing statutory valuations, service of notices, formation of right to manage and/or freehold/management companies, preparation of EGM notices, attendance at meetings, changes to the company structure (Memorandum & Articles of association) to facilitate any grant/issue/allotment of shares, sale of shares, managing a bank account for the purpose, negotiating premiums, advising on how to deal with/allocate the proceeds of sale including grant of dividends, advance corporation tax and executing deed of variations to grant lease extensions;
  • Calling meetings, preparing and executing board resolutions to vary a defective lease clause under Section 37 of the 1987 Landlord & Tenant Act to draft replacement lease clauses, prepare a case for Tribunal and register changes to the lease with HM Land Registry;
  • Initiating or responding to, conducting, negotiating with the parties, preparing evidence for and attending hearings or Tribunal and otherwise dealing with any rent review, party wall proceedings, application for a grant or for consent, owners insurance claims, NHBC or developer warranty claims, arbitration or litigation;
  • Preparing statutory notices to include consultation notices to comply with landlord & tenant legislation
  • Preparing balance sheet accounts, quarterly accruals based management accounts and statutory accounts;
  • Inspections or work re-calculating or re-basing estate/service charge percentages where the lease schedules are found to be defective, extra units are created or otherwise implementing the rights arising from Pole Properties Limited V Feinbery 1982 43P&CR 121 Court of Appeal and serving of notices to vary estate/service charge percentages;
  • Dealing with 3rd party Company Secretaries to maintain the legal ownership registers where notice of transfer is not received from a purchaser on sale and detective work is required to trace sales that are not notified to us, dealing with non panel accountants or an accountant who will not visit our offices to view bank, invoice & other audit records to which a time charge for copying original records will apply;
  • Dealing with local government matters including registration of Houses in Multiple occupation, council tax valuations, planning permission, building regulations consent and grant applications;
  • Advising on or assisting with enforcing contracts where the contracting parties do not include the Client/Client Company, or where the Managing Agent were not the appointed managing agent/contract administrator at the time hence researching time is required;
  • Supervising and verifying the performance of contractors or other professional consultants whose work would normally require verification by a Qualified Surveyor; i.e., where repair or improvement works are procured via an informal tender situation as opposed to a project run by an Engineer under a JCT contract. Such works will attract the greater of an hourly rate fee for acting on the instructions of the Client or 5% whichever is the greater;
  • Acting as liaison between Directors, Freehold Owners/Lessees for capital works projects on which the Managing Agent are not appointed as Contract Administrator including the co-ordination of outside consultants, contractors. Such works to be remunerated at : Value of works £1-£50,000 - 3%, £50,- £100,000 - 2.5%, £100-£200,000 - 2%, £200-£300,000 - 2%, £300-£500,000 - 1.75%; £500-£750,000 - 1.6%, £750-£1M - 1.5%, £1M+ - 1.25%;
  • Acting as liaison between Directors, Freehold Owners/Lessees for capital works projects where the Surveyor or Engineer appointed is employed by an associated company of the Managing Agent, liaison will be remunerated at the greater of : Value of works £1-£50,000 - £500 or 1%, £50,-£100,000 - £1,000 or 1%, £100-£200,000 - £1,500 or 1%, £200-£300,000 - £2,000 or 1%, £300-£500,000 - £2,750 or 1%; £500-£750,000 - £3,750 or 0.075%, £750-£1M - 0.06%, £1M+ - £5,000 or 0.05%;
  • Preparing specifications for tender, supervising and measuring works the cost of which exceeds the specified expenditure limits and for non-routine matters and where expenditure is in excess of the limits contained in the Landlord and Tenant Acts 1985 and 1987 or as subsequently amended;
  • Tendering works that should be tendered by an Mechanical & Electrical Engineer, Lift Engineer or Chartered Building Surveyor or Chartered Building Engineer;
  • Preparing a CAPex (capital expenditure) report to predict lifespan of building elements, equipment, fixtures and fittings;
  • Attending project design and development planning meetings and providing advice notes, operational intelligence and advice to assist in cost planning, design and operation of future projects;
  • Advising on safety or health matters to any part of the property including Access Audits, compliance with the Disability Discrimination Acts, Water Treatment or other requirements laid down by insurers, the Local Fire Officer or local government and dealing with compliance and information requests from the Freeholder or Headlessee;
  • Preparing FEEPs (Fire Emergency Evacuation plans) with specific fire evacuation procedures for each part of the building(s), and PEEPs (Personal Emergency Evacuation plans) for any disabled or mobility impaired residents;
  • Complying with requirements on Clients by their insurers or health & safety legislation insofar as they relate to the waste, neglect, negligence, lack of repair or compliance with IEE, gas safety or water regulations as applicable to individual flats;
  • After notifying a freehold owner/lessee in writing 2 times of a potential breach of covenant, preparing repairs and/or breach of covenant or forfeiture notices is chargeable;
  • Due diligence on the likelihood of arrears recovery and to enable turning on debtchase on arrears where such arrears relate to a period the commencement of this Agreement (see clauses 2.12), a copy of the due diligence checklist is available from,. The allocated Caseworker may need the assistance of your former agent or papers held by you as Client to assess the merits of any particular case. The charge for running the due diligence check is £125+Vat.
  • Any advertising and recruitment of staff on behalf of the Client;
  • Supplying extra copies of statements of account and copies of any other documents, preparing management accounts on multi-schedule sites including accruals and pre-payments;
  • If the Client is a company, acting as Company Secretary (separate terms apply);
  • Dealing or advising upon applications for assignment of tenancies or leases, sub-lettings, alterations and changes of use;
  • Providing copies (other than odd 1 off copies) of supporting invoices or other property records. All property records and invoices will be made available for inspection at our offices during working hours with or without appointment at no charge;
  • Liaison with accountants who are unable to use Ringley cloud systems to inspect records, preparing physical or electronic copies of documents, invoices, paying in book, cheque book stubs, bank reconciliations. Where a Client chooses a panel accountant no charges will be made for taking copies of the Client’s full financial records for collection or despatch, otherwise the copy charge below, subsequent revision thereof, will apply;
  • Preparation of Company Tax Returns, Trust Tax Returns which would fall under the remit of your Accountant, and/or certification or audit thereof;
  • Preparing for the Client any documentation for submission to Companies House. The Client needs to appoint Ringley to act as Company Secretary for us to deal with Companies House matters;
  • Notifying or reminding the client of any Companies House deadlines, including any documentation prepared under separate Agreement for submission to Companies House other than the year end Company Accounts;
  • Postage, copy and admin costs for distribution of paperwork relating to Tribunal/Court cases and associated time in preparing evidence;
  • Advice on investment of reserve funds - RICS Regulatory Panel’s view is that Managing Agents are not qualified or competent to give financial advice such as where to invest reserves and the Client should take independent financial advice at their cost such adviser should make the Client aware of any access restrictions. Any investment scheme where Ringley are not signatory will not be protected by the RICS Client Money Protection Scheme;
  • The cost of attendance of a Finance Team Leader or external accountant at a Directors meeting or AGM;
  • Responding to out of hours requests and arranging contractors where clause 1.28 is not satisfied;
  • Managing developer snagging items and the performance of contractors undertaking developer snagging whether to individual units or the communal areas and making claims under any build guarantees;
  • Acting as Principal Designer or Designer under the Construction Design and Management Regulations 2015, writing specifications to design out risk, acting as designer or health and safety specialists to evaluate different methods of approaching works and/or providing pre or during works health and safety plans ;
  • We make every effort to invite owners to lodge their contract details (phones, emails, next of kin) with us. We do this by way of an update record's check form attached to welcome letter 1 and welcome letter 2, as well as during the pre-sales process. In addition, where we have an email address but no phone numbers for a property, each month we email such owners inviting them to update their details on the Ringley Gateway portal simply by clicking a link within the email. Where sub-letting registration is observed we collect tenant(s) and Agent(s) contact details as part of the sub-letting registration process. Where subletting registration is not observed we also invite owners to provide their tenant(s) details. It needs to be recognised that owners cannot be forced to provide us with more than a correspondence address. Where a Client/Committee expects us to go beyond this considerable process to keep good contact records, e.g. door knocking, extra letters and phone calls such work is a chargeable extra;
  • Making applications to the New Homes Ombudsman and preparing documents to support a claim;